Israelis Alibi Has ‘A Few Problems’

The MadCowMorningNews has learned that the elderly woman who (supposedly) provided the two Israelis arrested in Oak Harbor Washington with their alibi has—just one week later—moved, or disappeared, and cannot be found to corroborate her account.

In Oak Harbor, Washington, Fox News reported last week that two Israelis with altered passports were apprehended in a rental truck containing traces of TNT and plastic explosives on a state highway running past the home of a fleet of U.S. electronic spy planes, Whidbey Island Naval Air Station.

According to an FBI spokesman in Seattle, local police had pulled the Israelis over for speeding, and then became suspicious after one of the men was found to be in possession of an altered passport and the other was unable to produce any identification other than an Israeli driver's license.

Suspicion was heightened because the Israelis were driving on a state road running past a Naval Air Station housing electronic warfare Prowler jets, as well as because of the truck driver's insistence that they were moving furniture—a claim that did not seem to mesh with the late hour.

Local police made an arrest. The local press reported it.

The backpedaling which followed, however, was fast, furious—and national.

Involved in the subsequent investigation were Naval Intelligence, the FBI, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Tests revealing traces of explosives were ‘in error.’

They showed ‘false positives.’

The Israelis alibi had ‘checked out.’

It was a ‘non-story.’

There were no follow-ups.

The story was reported uncritically in the mainstream press (Seattle Post) even as the Navy dogs who had provided the 'false positives' were being praised by local newspapers. ("Navy Canines Help Keep Base Safe.")

It faded faster in the news than that of the Kamikaze Kid pilot who wasn’t taking acne medication but was still somehow provoked by it to express his  desire for self-termination by flying into a skyscraper after heaping praise on Arab terrorists-turned-drug merchants.

Meanwhile, the FBI was issuing a "general, uncorroborated and nonspecific" warning to terrorist task forces and owners and managers of apartment buildings across the nation, based on information that al Qaeda members planned to blow up apartment buildings with plastic explosives.

There was more than enough to pique our interest…even before we discovered that the story may involve what we have come to refer to as "The Venice Connection.’

"When people lie, its always for a reason."

Seemingly coincidentally, the Israelis had been pulled over in Oak Harbor, Wa., home of a commuter airline which had been run by the business partner of Venice flight school owner Rudi Dekkers.

Harbor Air—known locally as the "Navy’s airline" because its function was to serve personnel flying in and out of the nearby Naval Air Station—was owned by one Richard Boehlke, a con artist extraordinaire, even by the standards of the Venice Magic Dutch Boy.

Dekkers’ connection with Boehlke is, of course, of intense interest to anyone interested in possible ‘global networks’ aiding the terrorists, since Boehlke had recently participated in the massive Mob-led  ($352 million) looting of pension funds in Portland, Or., another non-story you probably haven’t read about.

Dekkers, of course, is the Dutch national owner of a Venice flight school with the unique distinction of having, for sums far in excess of normal, trained both of the pilots crashing airplanes into the World Trade Center.

Together with Boehlke, he started an unsuccessful airline, Florida Air, whose only accomplishment, other than having been publicly endorsed by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, seems to be to have provided a rationale for the presence of several British Aerospace Jetstreams poised on the tarmac of an airport within easy reach of Caribbean hot spots.

Still, what—if anything—do Richard Boehlke and Rudi Dekkers have to do with Israelis running around in empty Budget rental trucks containing traces of TNT and plastic explosives?


The two Israeli’s alibi ‘checked out,’ according to authorities, after they had spoken to an elderly woman living in an elder-care facility nearby, who stated the men resembled individuals who dumped a load of furniture in her front yard in the middle of the night…

And before going bankrupt last year Richard Boehlke made his millions operating elder-care facilities, first in Washington state and then nationally.

Did the woman live in one of Boehlke’s facilities?

Was there a ‘story behind the story?’

We recalled that although Rudi Dekkers claimed he met his partner Boehlke through a mutual friend in Ohio, he had been lying…

Boehlke’s company, Alterra, had a gleaming facility located just a hundred yards from Dekkers’ Huffman Aviation at the Venice Airport.

What had Dekkers been lying to protect?

Was there a connection between the assisted living industry and covert operations?

Well… yes.

"Nothing to See Here. Move Along."

Just down the block from Boehlke’s assisted living home in Venice Florida, a stone’s throw from the Venice Airport, is a stately complex that was built to house the national headquarters of nursing home giant Beverley Enterprises, then owned by a name often linked with America’s super-secret National Security Agency, Jackson Stephens.

Gleaming like a movie set basking under Florida's sunshine is a building which still houses Stephens former law firm, which according to local observers runs the town of Venice.

Jackson Stephens, Rudi Dekkers, Richard Boehlke, and a no-doubt sweet little old lady living in elder care beside the Navy's electronic spy plane base…

No doubt it is all just a coincidence.

Just a small world.

When reporters initially asked about the furniture moving story they were told investigators had already followed up on this angle, speaking with an elderly lady at an elder-care housing facility who claimed she had had furniture delivered in the middle of the night by two men fitting the description of the Israelis.

The MadCowMorningNews was skeptical, and made enquiries.

We discovered that the woman cited by authorities and used by the FBI to discount the FOX NEWS report on the incident (Police Seize Rental Truck With TNT Traces) has—just one week after providing the Israelis’ alibi—moved.

Mary Williams cannot be found to verify her account. She no longer lives at the Cam Bey Senior Living Facility, the retirement home where the men allegedly dumped furniture on the front lawn in the middle of the night, before heading for the Canadian border via a road bordering the nearby Naval Air Station.

A spokeswoman at the facility declines to give out any information concerning her present whereabouts, citing privacy concerns.

Located in (aptly-named?) Coupeville, Washington, the retirement facility is owned and operated by a non-profit company, Senior Services of Island County, which receives HUD block grants.

It has no apparent connections with Boehlke.

It is all just sheer coincidence.

It is a ‘non-story.’

Nothing to see here.

Move along.