Sky Way Aircraft, Inc. has taken a leap forward to provide the most advanced Homeland Security services available by purchasing selected assets including Intellectual Property of the AT&T wireless Services Aviation Communications Division. Additionally, Sky Way has acquired a valuable option to purchase and/or license additional aviation-related Intellectual Property from AT&T Wireless Services. This acquisition will permit the implementation of Sky Way’s patented high speed technology in the aircraft communications industry. Sky Way Aircraft’s plans for this network include telephone, video surveillance and monitoring, and a wide variety of aircraft data management and in-flight entertainment services. With the purchase of these systems, Sky Way Aircraft will be in a position to offer and maintain security surveillance both on the aircraft as well as covering the entire border of the United States and up to 100 miles at sea.
“We have the only anti-terrorism system that utilizes ground-based, high-speed broadband services to secure the 7,500 mile American border, in the sky, at sea and on the ground with the availability of additional coverage to include Canada, Mexico and the Virgin Islands. The data transmission is in real time with the availability of up to 15 megabits to and from the aircraft with connections to selected ground monitoring facilities,” said Brent C. Kovar, President of Sky Way Aircraft.
The former AirOne communications network consisted of an aircraft to ground telephone connection to approximately 2,500 commercial airliners and private aircraft. This network, when re-activated, will permit the initiation of telephone and data communications and subsequent security services which will consist of live video monitoring and facial recognition applications to and from the aircraft. Each airplane can be equipped with up to 16 live cameras working at 15 to 30 frames per second.
“Having the availability of telephone and ground network located across the United States, Canada and Mexico, consisting of up to 164 15 x 20 bunkers with internal patented electronics and towers enabled to receive both data and video, advances our efforts dramatically,” indicated Kovar. “This is the only system which will provide an in-plane security surveillance system thus allowing for more secure travel. This will also furnish advanced real-time data transfer of the avionics infrastructure to both the pilot and the aircraft manufacturers and, as an added bonus, could bring high speed in-flight entertainment services, including internet, to the passengers,” said Jim Kent, chief Executive Officer.
Homeland security is the primary purpose that Sky Way Aircraft has re-launched the network. With their many other anti-terrorism applications available, Sky Way Aircraft is also planning to utilize the ground network to support the detection of the contents of shipping containers at sea which might contain nuclear devices, explosives or illegal personnel coming into the country.
Sky Way Aircraft is the solution for commercial and private aircraft security, anti-terrorism, aircraft health and welfare and avionics operations. These solutions include applications that greatly enhance In-Flight Entertainment Systems and Flight Management Avionics Data Link Systems.
Note: Sky Way is not affiliated with AT&T Wireless Services. Sky Way is solely responsible for the accuracy of the technical, legal and business information in this press release. |