Sued in boston!

Barry Seal's long-time associate and attorney had his attorney write us and give us 10 days to say we were sorry for all of the  bad things we said about his client in "Barry& the boys: The CIA, the Mob, and America's Secret History."

We took him at his word. And, sure enough, we've been sued.

You can read the court filing.

While being sued is never a happy prospect, it comes with the territory. Over half a century ago, muckraking journalist George Seldes wrote, "Tell the truth then run like hell!"

Today, with nowhere left to run, it is time to stand and fight.

Thanks to readers of the MadCowMorningNews, we are in contact with several attorneys who are friends of the truth, and we feel comfortable we will have adequate representation as we prepare to meet the charges in court.

sBarryCover3The suit perhaps owes something to the fact that Barry & 'the boys' has been called "the definitive account of Barry Seal and Mena" by an Iran Contra figure of some note who was there.

Returning a free press to America will not be easy. Real investigative journalism cannot survive in the current climate without access to the resources necessary to avoid  being pecked to death by woodpeckers hired by people who've got woodpeckers on staff.

We will fight the good fight.

And we expect that "The Truth will set us free."

But, just in case this statement is no longer applicable to post-9/11 America, we suggest ordering the book while supplies last!


More when we return from San Francisco, where we will be speaking at the International Inquiry into 9/11 this weekend.