Trolls are everywhere this election season.
But one, under a link I posted recently on Facebook, under the heading "WikiLeaks stands under threat,” can teach us something about how things came to the current un-pretty pass.
There, one "Hatto Aquitane" reveals himself to be a perfect example of the insanity that lies at the heart of what is wrong with America today.
Intellectual rigor has never been one of America's strong points…
But when you live in a nation being poisoned by two massive lies, the Kennedy Assassination & the phony War on Drugs, an entire segment of the population, dimly perceiving that something has gotten very very rotten in the state of Denmark, eventually concludes that reality is anything they decide to say it is.
It's not.
Why "Hatto's" left hanging
But that leaves the "Hatto Aquitane's" of the world prey to purveyers of sponsored disinformation, whose Internet creations, almost too numerous to name, include both diehard Obama "birthers" and the current dregs of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
One of the hardest things to come to grips with intellectually is the idea that, even with the best intentions, we can all be successfully lied to.
What separates the men (and women) from the boys (and girls) is the courage and humility to admit this fact to ourselves.
And many "9/11 Truthers" were too busy congratulating themselves on being intuitively aware that we were lied to about 9/11 to avoid falling into a yawning crevasse prepared for them by people who have in mind nobody's best interest but their own.
"Hatto" begins by endorsing a list of such people, who ride a variety of intellectually dubious hobbyhorses, either for their own self-aggrandizement, or because they have nothing better to do.
Never believe anyone from Utah who knows Orrin Hatch
"Hatto's List" includes "Steven Earl Jones, Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, Cynthia McKinney, Paul Craig Roberts, Jim Hoffman, and (modesty, Hatto!) "Hatto" himself.
Using only what is publicly available about these people, (as for "Hatto" himself, he's not a person, but a troll) it is clear that some of them should be ruthlessly ridiculed, while others are more properly pitied than scorned.
Take the number one name on “Hatto’s” list: Brigham Young University physicist, Steven Jones.
In addition to his dubious research in scientific areas (cold fusion!), Jones has published papers (“Behold My Hands: Evidence for Christ's Visit in Ancient America”) about archeological clues he discovered which indicate that Jesus Christ visited Latin America after his resurrection.
It should go without saying, but in America today, it doesn't:
Anyone who can find Jesus in South America 2000 years ago is capable of finding pretty much anything he wants to.
Yet many have been led by him to believe that an incendiary substance called Thermite, bolstered by sulfur (evidence of the demonic?) generated the exceptionally hot fires at the World Trade Center that caused the structural steel to fail and the buildings to collapse.
Hatto's heroes
Just one more example. There's no fun in shooting fish in a barrel.
Consider the "intellectual" background of Paul Craig Roberts, another name high on Hatto's list, whose academic appointments are to institutions where neo-cons breed like flies… like Virginia Tech, Tulane, and Stanford, where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution.
(The Hoover Institution? What's their motto: "Immortalizing the First Great Depression?")
Roberts also held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, named for a thief who was one of President Ronald Reagan's many toxic legacies to America.
If you’re looking for a take on American history from the father of Reaganomics" who believes the bin Laden raid was a hoax, this may be your guy.
But, if its Friday, and Paul Craig Roberts tells me its the end of the week, I wouldn't believe him.
And neither should you.
30 responses to ““Hatto’s” List”
The plane that crashed last night near the coast of Aruba,was shot down by the Venezuelan air force. That was confirmed by the Minister of Defense of Venezuela. According to the country, the aircraft was used for drug smuggling.
The small plane plunged into the Sea last night 25 kilometers away from the Aruban coast line after it got chasen 4 some time by two military aircraft. The Aruban Minister of Justice Arthur Dowers stated little on it – the circumstances of the crash, except that bodies and wreckage had been found by the coast guard on the site of where the plane ended up in the sea. How many bodies were found is unknown, likewise which country the plane came from.
Found it on You Tube.
It is too bad your videos not embedable. I’d like to blog the previews.
PC Roberts:
The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice.
Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.
Seems like a pretty good guy to me. I don’t know what he does as a sideline.
The people of the Hoover Institute understand economics. Incentives matter. Read how the original Pilgrims almost starved under socialism. If you are an opponent of Crony Capitalism – so am I. I read the Hoover reports regularly. A number of Libertarians populate their organization. They oppose the Drug War. I have no idea about PC Roberts.
And finally – Islam is not your friend. The Muslim Brotherhood was allied with the Austrian Corporal in WW2. Look up a little Brit creation “The Mufti of Jerusalem” for more insight.
“In addition to his dubious research in scientific areas (cold fusion!),” Daniel, if you keep spreading these falsehoods, your credibility is going to be called into question. Your work usually checks out when I follow up on it. But your allegation that Dr. Jones does, or did research into “Cold Fusion” is misleading at best. The only contribution the Dr. Jones made to Ponds and Fleischmann’s work was to refute it.
Are you one of those who claim that Dr. Jones is part of the “Cold Fusion coverup”? That Dr. Jones is responsible for denying our energy hungry world and infinite supply of cheap, clean and safe energy? I’ll have to agree with you that there are lots of wackos out there.
I’ll morph until I get bored bitch.
Actually Daniel, I don’t think you are a coward, even if you response to me was chickensh! t.