True Lies: Canada’s Global Research Trolls the Internet

Abu Al-Baghdadi

A completely fictitious report yesterday from Canada’s Global Research stated Edward Snowden has released NSA Documents showing ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained by Mossad, working with U.S. and British intelligence, to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

A little research (not “Global” Research, mind, but still) led to the quick determination that Snowden has made no public statements, nor released any NSA documents, on the reported recruitment of Al Baghdadi by Mossad. 

A Google search for “Mossad Al Baghdadi NSA” revealed that the bogus report had been republished on 24,000 Internet news websites, including Alex Jone’s Infowars, by this morning.

Canadian journalist Kyle Matthews published a table showing Global Research, founded by Russian professor Michael Chossudovsky in Canada, as “part of Putin’s propaganda orgs.”


28 responses to “True Lies: Canada’s Global Research Trolls the Internet”

  1. This was a 4-line post alerting my readers to a despicable lie.
    I have no interest in Canada’s Global Research. And none in following up on what I posted. I am not the story here. In the face of this despicable lie, which no one has questioned, no amount of mis-spelling could even rise to the level of mention.
    If I conflated you with a troll responding at the same time, my apologies.

  2. How you can conclude that by pointing out a misspelling that could in fact get people looking for another professor who is in fact a Russian, not a Canadian, leads you to believe I do not seek the truth is mystifying. I didn’t find the misspelling “VEDY VEDY” offensive, I just found it sloppy. Furthermore I provided information about where the report originated and took the time to contact Kyle in the interest of finding truth. I don’t use anything to change my IP, I’m not “Mark”. I’ve bought your books, donated to your site and have followed your work for years. By the way, it’s “Michel” not Michael. Sorry.
    So, has anyone taken the time to go to the Canada Revenue Agency to see what’s there regarding Global Research?

  3. Haven't been by your site recently, Dan. I see that you're still doing good work. You really are the heir to the late Hank Messick, who wrote about the Mob back when it wasn't supposed to exist. I'll put some dough in my account and send you a few more bus tokens…

    Interesting chart. I've been a long-time reader of the Global Research website, but over the years I've learned to take what Prof. Choussodowsky says and what they link with more than a grain of salt. Eventually, I started getting the distinct feeling that, hmm, yeah…Russkie propaganda. This is the first time I've read about anyone else with that suspicion. I don't have any hard info to add on that, just…cold reading.

    My only question- I can't find an explanation for the various colors of some of the boxes- which are, I suppose, some sort of code that indicates linkages between those of similar shades. Also wondering about the unshaded boxes. I tried to find a more complete link, but all I found was Kyle Mathew's Twitter feed, where the same diagram was posted with no explanation.

    If you can add any more info on that, I'd appreciate it.

    Love over gold, cabdriver

  4. Daniel, over the years I have purchased all your books and dvds and have done much research into  the evidence you have given in your reports. I have never found anything to be inaccurate, but rather always on the cutting edge, and at the forefront of investigative journalism. You are a leader in your field and the people in this country owe you a big debt of gratitude for your many contributions to bringing forth the truth on so many topics others have not covered. The greatest contribution to the 9/11 truth movement, I believe, is the facts you presented on the "Pilots" and their flying abilities and what the flight instructors and other airport personnel had to say about their abilities….The Architechs, Engineers, Scientists, Lawyers, Police, Firemen, Military, Politicians, Eyewitnesses, and others through provide more than enough evidence to convict anyone involved and set the record straight. But you provide something so clearly evident, so simple, that even the last remaining skeptics should have no problem in understanding – the pilots had no abilities whatsoever to fly those planes on that fateful day. No complicated dialogue, no conjecture, no hypothesis, no conspiracy theories. Simple. They couldn't fly a bus into a barn……..and the CIA was involved throughout the process of building their cover…….Keep plugging away and best of luck in your endevours.

  5. The chief mark of any shill I’ve ever encountered–and this person is undoubtedly one–is a refusal to engage in dialogue, exhibited by never EVER EVER responding to questions posed by the other side. Thus, WHY this “individual” (in quotes because he or she may well be state-sponsored, sitting behind a computer in the X regiment’s cyber-warfare control room)  found a mis-spelled name so VEDY VEDY offensive–one commonly mis-spelled by the way, but let that go–while taking no offense at the story under discussion, which is demonstrably outrageous and a total and utter LIE–is something which this “individual” conveniently forgets to address–again and again and again.

    Changing names and using a dynamic ip address mean that this ‘individual’s” is to be a pest, unless and until I adopt a commenting system that removes dynamic addresses.

    I’m sure his or her mother (or mothers) are proud.


  6. hopsicker wrote:

    “Your previous comments were removed because your committment is obviously to something other than the truth, a fact made abuntantly clear when you considered a mis-spelled name…”

    inter alia

    your posts regularly have typos and suffer from a lack of structure.

    Being opposed to global research is a form of a defense of state capitalism…

    careful hopsicker, you might just give people the impression you’re nothing more than a shill for the actors of the empire.

    sure, you’re seemingly an investigative journalist but perhaps that’s part of the cut-out profile?

  7. You are not welcome here.  Your previous comments were removed because your committment is obviously to something other than the truth, a fact made abuntantly clear when you considered a mis-spelled name more cause for outrage than a bald-faced lie on a “respected” Canadian website which within a day of publication had been re-published on more than 24,000 websites.



  8. When I tweeted Kyle this is what I got:

    @kylecmatthews It's been reported that you have evidence that is funded by the Russian Government. Can you confirm?"


    Kyle Matthews @kylecmatthews 4m

    @Sweejak that is incorrect….but all info should be stored with the Canada Revenue Agency."

    Also, why have my previous comments been removed?


  9. Kyle Matthews has the British Helsinki Human Rights Group & that Ron Paul Institute on this chart as “part of Putin’s propaganda orgs”? That’s quite a stretch. Many websites and publications post articles or quotes from RT, Voice of Russia, or Pravda. Is that why these organizations and Global Research are on this chart?

    That’s one reason why I wonder if this is the same Kyle Matthews who wants Canada to follow the R2P

  10. Global Research publishes reports from a number of sources, and I have found that they always provide a link back to the source URL, so that the reader can check it out. This is was from:
    Gulf Daily News, which identifies itself as the “Voice of Bahrain,” PO Box 5300, Manama, Bahrain.
    Anybody can claim to have documents from Edward Snowden. I could find no other source to confirm that these documents from Snowden, as mentioned in the Gulf Daily News, ever existed. As far as I know, Snowden only gave these NSA documents to certainly reporters and/or media firms, such as Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Washington Post reporter Barton Gellman.

    As to Kyle Matthews, is this the same Kyle Matthews who wrote “Canada’s Abandonment of the Responsibility to Protect”?
    R2P was the rationale for the US & NATO’s 2011 war against Qaddafi in Libya and for the Obama administration’s plan to attack Syria last year to overthrow Assad, supposedly because Assad’s forces used chemical weapons.