True Lies: Canada’s Global Research Trolls the Internet

Abu Al-Baghdadi

A completely fictitious report yesterday from Canada’s Global Research stated Edward Snowden has released NSA Documents showing ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained by Mossad, working with U.S. and British intelligence, to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

A little research (not “Global” Research, mind, but still) led to the quick determination that Snowden has made no public statements, nor released any NSA documents, on the reported recruitment of Al Baghdadi by Mossad. 

A Google search for “Mossad Al Baghdadi NSA” revealed that the bogus report had been republished on 24,000 Internet news websites, including Alex Jone’s Infowars, by this morning.

Canadian journalist Kyle Matthews published a table showing Global Research, founded by Russian professor Michael Chossudovsky in Canada, as “part of Putin’s propaganda orgs.”


28 responses to “True Lies: Canada’s Global Research Trolls the Internet”

  1. blah blah blah blah blah. the world never lacks for anti-semitic assholes, on both the the right and the left. at least the ones in love with global research can spell.

  2. Daniele, very well said.
    GR is one of the best enet journals . A trustwothy and an informative one. Looks like the author of this site doesn’t like the truth,so he calls it a propaganda.
    As to you, Daniel Hopsicker, i will never come back to your site and will tell all my friends not to.

  3. Bible: “Whoever is free from any sin, trow the first rock”
    I think it is not so hard to understand it. isnt it?

    I follow GB on daily base since 1 year. It’s a very informative portal with many different sources, some good some not. GB gave me the possibility to discover other informative blogs n websites. I would definitivly donate to GB if i had any spare money. But for you Daniel, who literally “spit” on the job of the others by writing an ignorant article like that, i wouldnt give a cent.

  4. Global Research is a news aggregator; it publishes stories from numberous sources. Their policy is to err on the side of publishing questionable materials, rather than on the side of censorship. Note that the organization does not call itself “Global Fact Checker.”

    Readers who are ignorant and dependent enough to demand reporting from a “final authority” get what they deserve, at FOX, CNN, NYT and Global Research: A flase world view that confirms their own bias and serves their emotional needs. Global Research readers who are critical of what they read, and evaluate stories in context with their provenance and related information from a variety of sources get vital information from Global Research: Starting points for finding important information excluded from broadcast media.

    The AIPAC PR people and others who dominate this discussion thread don’t like that, but then, they are paid not to like it.

  5. Mr. Hopsicker, Enjoying Your Guest Interview/Talk etc. on Caravan to Midnight and now I’m on your email list. The work You both do is GREAT, Knowledgeable, Historical and Mentally Newsworthy for all awake and for newbie’s. Seasons Best and
    Happy New Years…-eh!

  6. Daniel, I have contributed to your efforts by buying your work, and have read and disseminated your website articles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. I hope its brought some custom your way.

    Yes some of the articles on Global Research are off beam. Some of them shy away from the truth. It is a mixed bag of a site with varying levels of competence in its contributors.

    If you’re going to call a guy out over a typo, be aware that you’ll look like you’re over-reacting and entering the realm of the Grammar Nazis. Please don’t go there again. You lose credibility.

    Not following up on what you posted – especially a strong denunciation – is also a place you don’t want to go. Another credibility-losing stance. Respect your contributors and commentators.

    Your apology was noted and appreciated and retrieved the situation.

    If its a Russian Site? So What? Gone are the days when to drop the word Russian into a conversation is a conversation-deadener. Russia Today is an informative and authoritative website, as is Al-Jazeera from Qatar.

    Do their owners have agendas? Of course. Massive, regional agendas.

    Does that mean we fall for the Ad Hominem approach to winning an argument? No.

    Its Russian sourced? Well, duh!

    We examine each story on its merits.

    As for Snowden, why is it beyond the pale that he gave information to someone else.

    For my part I believe ALL his revelations are a mere distraction and as such I prefer investigations which following a definite line of investigation – such as yours Daniel.

    But you don’t cover stories beyond your relatively narrow focus and I am also very interested in the Big Crimes, the ones that dwarf drug trafficking – the laundering of the money by international banks, the creation of corporate safe zone by the Trans Pacific and Trans Atlantic Trade Agreements, the Genocide being committed in Syria and Gaza.

    I’ll take informed comment on those where I can get it and that includes Global Research.

    I’ll end on this note. There is an awful lot of infighting between people who are publishing whistleblowing stories. I read of one dispute between members of I know others disputed with the late Michael Ruppert.

    This shouldn’t be happening. Stick to the facts. If the story is “loose” and only picks up on SOME of the facts, say “thanks” and delve deeper.

    Can I respectfully suggest that vilifying someone because of sloppy journalistic standards is not encouraging them to improve. Right now we need as many investigative people as we can get.

    Personally I think you need a bigger organization to really achieve some ground breaking results, but each to their own. I was a sole trader for many years myself.

    Good luck with the work and thanks for what you have accomplished so far.