“But isn’t all of this Outside job stuff just going to benefit the Neo Cons? GlobalCorp?” someone emailed. “Did the Saudis put the (alleged) Hijackers in Rudy’s flight school? Give them Govt Credit cards? Schedule identical Drills the morning of 911? Tell Cheney to run the stand down? Operate the cover up? I don’t see anything coming from this. Shot over the bow of the kingdom by Economic hitmen…”
My website’s down till later this week. Was hacked in January, so I’m switching hosts. Things happen. I’m not blaming the Illuminati.
I’ll give this a shot. A last shot, hopefully. Otherwise I’m bored with it. Anyone who’s seen as much obvious disinformation being parroted back at them as holy writ by people whose reasoning facility is on a par with that of George W. Bush–if that–probably feels the same.
What I saw in Florida: The Saudis were running it. They were everywhere. Tell me: who’s got more money to pay bribes than Saudis? No one. Who’s taking bribes in America? Everyone. Everyone whose name you already know, and everyone whose name you don’t. It’s a corrupt country. Deal with it. It’s Rome in 200 AD.
Islamic fundamentalist or lieutenant in an Arab drug cartel?
In 1999, there were a handful of Arab flight students in SW Florida. In 2001 there were thousands. At a big AFB base in the Panhandle, a trainer told me, “It used to be Iranians. Now it’s all Saudis.”
Were they there by themselves? Hell no. Did the CIA know? Hell yes. I asked an old hand, in a highly irate tone of voice, how could the CIA not have known blah-di-blah blah. His answer was mild. Why, I’m sure that they did know. He said, “It would have been impossible for them not to.”
Venice and the surrounding region was teeming with spooks. The Sheriff in nearby Charlotte County—where Atta lived for a time, though you won’t find that in the 9/11 Commission Report—told me that, because of the 40-year history of covert activity that he had seen been run through Charlotte County, which he and everyone else in the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department had been powerless to stop, he believed the CIA was responsible for 9/11.
Was one of the bigger shocks of my life. A Southern cracker Sheriff telling me he thought the CIA was responsible for 9/11. And hey. Maybe he’s right. But I couldn’t go there. I might believe that. But I never had proof.
Despite that, I heard a lot, saw a lot, and learned a lot in Florida. For 18 month Venice Florida was the home base of the terrorist hijackers. It was the biggest 9/11 crime scene that wasn’t reduced to rubble. And I uncovered more evidence about the terrorist conspiracy’s activities there than anyone, more than every other reporter in America… combined.
Because there were no reporters or investigators or researchers in Venice. Except me.
I drove 1000 miles in the dead of winter in a 15-year old car with a faulty heater to find and interview Mohamed Atta’s girlfriend. Nobody else knew he’d even had one. Except three tiny local newspapers in SW Florida. I posted the entire interview.
43 lbs. of heroin is known in the trade as “heavy weight”
I discovered the most important secret that’s come out so far about the 9/11 attack. The owner of the flight school that trained Mohamed Atta had his Learjet busted just three weeks after Atta arrived, carrying 43 lbs. of heroin.
Because of this, in 50 or 1oo years, or maybe a thousand, depending on when the truth finally comes out, someone will be grateful that I did. That makes me feel good. I was, at least, useful.
One of the reasons being put forward to release the 28 pages involves testimony from Z. Moussaoui. In Welcome to TerrorLand there’s testimony from a cabbie who picked up Moussaoui in Venice, where no one else reports that he was. He’s been visiting some of the boys at an apartment in Venice. The cabdriver (there’s only two in Venice) had been to that address a dozen times, taking Arab men to the airport in Orlando.
The cabdriver’s asked to help carry luggage to the cab. He says okay. Its a trunk, and it weighs almost more than two people can carry. That’s all he knew. Later I asked an ex-NSA agent what could weigh that much. He answered without even pausing to think: “Gold.”
Saudis in San Diego…and Florida
In a brief one-week trip to Southern California, I uncovered and exclusively reported evidence—with resources an assistant manager at McDonald’s would sneer at—about the man the Chairman of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee investigation into 9/11 called “the “best chance to uncover the Sept. 11 plot before it happened.”
The New York Times said, “Of all the people who had contact with the 19 men, perhaps no one found himself closer than Dr. Shaikh, 65, a gregarious retired educator who has lived for years in this working class suburb of San Diego.”
The paper reported, “Dr. Shaikh was quite proud of his positions of civic responsibility, particularly on a citizens review board at the police department.”
History Commons says: “Despite much scrutiny after 9/11, little information will emerge on Shaikh’s background or why he came to the FBI’s notice.”
Abdussattar Shaikh was identified in wire reports as “a retired professor of English at San Diego State,” and “Vice President for International Projects at American Commonwealth University.”
I discovered he was nothing of the kind. Every single detail in his biography was a lie:
He never taught at San Diego State; He has never been a Professor of English… anywhere; He has a phony PhD purchased from a bogus diploma mill run by people with U.S. military and intelligence connections; The “University” where he was supposed to be “Vice President or International Projects” does not, in fact, exist.
Oh, and Abdussattar Shaikh is not his real name. (His real name is “Abdussattar Chhipa.”)
So when someone sneeringly asks me a question about something or other concerning 9/11 containing the insinuation that he or she (almost always he) has divined the truth with a superior ability to avoid being a sucker that is otherwise nowhere in evidence–with gaps in logic big enough to fly a 767 through without leaving marks– my response is, really, no response.
The Pentagon has a 1600-man battalion that does nothing but psyops. And H.L. Mencken said: “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
You can see the problem.
Awesome! Bang on baby
The way that the world appears to work is somewhat along these dreary lines. The investors who own the major central banks and the major corporations of the world get to call the shots, the politicians get to say aye, aye, and the military gets to go to war and maybe die. It is really all about human greed and the stealing and/or controlling of the world's resources and then turning those resources into cash and/or power, as well as about moving and selling lots of products all over the world and stifling the competition. It's turf wars on a grand scale perpetrated by a powerful empire and/or its vassal military bloc (NATO). It doesn't really matter in the long run who is responsible for pulling off the 9/11 caper: Only the resultant chaos, the redrawing of the map of the Middle East, and who has the ultimate power and control over that region's enormous oil and gas reserves really matters. Human beings are a renewable resource and are, therefore, quite expendable. In the end, cash is all that really matters. It is always all about the Ben Franklins. Money makes the world go merrily around on its wobbly little axis. Currently, the U.S. Empire runs the whole show, but threre are other wannabes who want to muscle in on America's hundred-year racket. That's just the way life here on the our big beautiful rock works folks — capiche?
the saudis were ‘paties?’ i get ya. paties holding parties, like, every night, so they never noticed as they were being framed… by “the likes of bob graham?’ why not bob graham himself? was he busy that night?
Hopsciker is a fed, he covers for Israel at every turn on the 9/11 false flag and deletes comments that prove that the Saudis were only paties being framed by the likes of Bob Graham, the CIA and Daniel Hopsicker type feds.
This has been denied, or so I hear, but is there any truth in it?
so this is way off topic, but its been bothering me for awhile.
I started college in a central Minnesota town back in 1989, a fresh faced farm boy. my first day in the dorm, two older dudes show up and ask if they could "switch rooms" for some reason. my other two roommates said sure. So my new roomies are a white dude who just got out of the military, used to fly helicopters, that's all he'd say. the other was a 25 year old guy from Sudan. He was a certified pilot in Sudan and was in school to get his flight certification for the US, supposedly. He had pictures of himself in full pilot get up, even said he flew for American Airlines or something. Lots of pics of him in and around airplanes. He drove expensive cars and had a white "wife" who only came by to get money a couple times a year. She drove a mercedes and wore full mink coats. They fought every time and he cheated on her nightly. He said he only married her to get citizenship. He said he owned a couple apartment buildings in the Twin Cities and always had tons of cash. He also said his father was "Vice President of Sudan." He used to watch lots of home videos of huge extravagant parties, not of which i could understand of course. He was a "devout Muslim" in that he had his prayer rug and did he daily prayers religiously. He also did a lot of cocaine and partied like a rock star. He had a brother that visited who also did the daily prayer thing. I never knew him to attend any classes. He was a very nice guy and we got along well. The military guy was very offstandish and I never got to know him at all, but the two of them eventually hated each other and fought constantly.
I always wondered why he stayed in the dorms when he obviously had plenty of dough.
The second year, he moved out into an apartment and I only saw him occasionally. He used to call me to come give his "girlfriend of the night" a ride home!
A couple years later he and his brother died in a plane crash, it made the news very briefly. His name was Abul-Hameed Abul-Fattah.
after 9/11 and all the flight school shenanigans began to surface, and a lot of stuff starting coming out about Sudan, later South Sudan, I began to wonder if he wasn't in this country for nefarious purposes.
The Israeli’s did it? Oh come on! As if. The Saudi’s did it, after being told too, by…
Where was Dov Zackheim, Michael Chertoff, Rahm Emmanuel and Benji that day? Where was Col. George Griggs too. Verint? P-Tech, Comverese Infosys and Operation Talpiot.
I know Bush was with his boyfriend doing lines of cold medicine and has an alibi. He is no longer a suspect.
What does Dr Steven Piecnezik have to say about all this?
What would Alex say?
Its so complicated.
Hey Daniel! Love your work. You ARE the “original” on this stuff.
Who has even heard of “Mohammed Atta And The Venice Flying Circus”? Classic stuff. Done on a budget of 20c where not even CBS could afford a business class airfare to Venice, Florida in 2002.
I note my second favorite, least well known writer on all things “Conspiracy” has died – Dave McGowan. The Center For An Informed America. No conspiracy – he was a heavy smoker and hard drinking acolite – but why did his daughter take the site down to start something…new?
Dont take your website down Daniel.
BTW – add a lizard, a space ship and particle beam weapon…hits go up.
Well, here is my theory. There is an intel faction that is completely disgusred with the way things are being run. Dr. Lonny Shavelson found that 70% of female heroin users were sexually abused in childhood. Abusing those folks further for fun and profit no longer provides the amusement it used to. There is a faction with some remnant of a moral compass remaining. Unusual among those practicing the dark arts. But not unheard of. Ever hear of "gaining the world and losing your soul"?
Secrets don't last as long as they used to. Something I wrote a little while back –
The thing that is clear to our overlords is that I have no secrets in the Internet Age. What is not yet clear to them is that neither do they. Any action on the secrets they hold is a reveal. So their knowledge is of limited value or useless. Counterproductive even.
Of what use is a self destruct button? I’m not a Christian. At all. But the best advice I can give them is, “Go in peace.” If you need to own something try owning yourself. Because that is an infinitely harder job than owning a civilization. And infinitely more worthwhile.
Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just that their trolling is so crude. You'd expect them to be cleverer.