Media, Democratic Party Elite Responsible for Hillary Debacle


“They were careless people, Bill and Hillary – they smashed things up and retreated back into their money and their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess.”

That the media and Democratic party elite made Hillary the Democratic nominee, despite a decided lack of enthusiasm for her candidacy among party rank-and-file, seems almost too obvious to mention.

Except, it’s not. It’s key to understanding what — for most of us — is an especially dispiriting moment in America.


Pointing a finger of blame at some of the fatuous cretins we’re been forced to endure on TV for two years may help pierce the gloom a little, and inspire a few rueful smiles. Schadenfreude can be fun, even if it’s difficult to pronounce.

As long-time Washington fixture Alice Roosevelt once said, “If you can’t say something good about someone, come sit by me.”

Any post-mortem explaining how Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States begins by pointing to the rigged Democratic primaries that anointed Hillary Clinton the party’s standard-bearer. As was painfully obvious last night, voters didn’t want Hillary Clinton. So, who did? 

Those whose hands were on the levers of the rigged Democratic primaries.  The fix was in, as was clear to anyone with eyes to see:  (CLICK PICS TO SEE STORIES)





Some of America’s biggest media shills, like Chuck Todd of NBC’s Meet The Press, made a point of deliberately looking the other way. When Wikileaks began publishing leaked DNC emails, the reason for Todd’s deliberate obtuseness became clear.


Leaked Emails Show DNC Chair Told Chuck Todd Negative Coverage ‘Must Stop’


Todd dismissed talk that primaries had been rigged for Hillary Clinton as taboo, beyond the pale, and nonsense. Strangely, even Donald Trump knew better than that.


The BREXIT election counted actual paper ballots, and was clearly not rigged. The example was lost on everyone in America’s bought-off media.


The leaked DNC emails showed the Democratic contest had been rigged against Bernie Sanders. His lack of response showed him to be too much the gentleman, and was the death knell for his campaign.



Even after Democratic Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was exposed as a Clinton shill and she was forced to resign, Hillary Clinton refused to repudiate her, and even gave her a job in her campaign.



Hillary Clinton’s contempt for Sanders’ supporters (who she unwisely thought she wouldn’t need) was most apparent in her feckless choice of a running mate.



While the media rightly excoriated Donald Trump for deliberate vagueness, even on his own signature issues like immigration and the wall, no one mentioned that Hillary Clinton was also totally ignoring the real and difficult issues facing the country. Like the role of drug money in the world’s largest banks,  and the fact that they operate completely above the law.



Then, too, Barack Obama’s “Three Amigos” summit made clear American involvement in the illegal drug trade remains as taboo as it ever was under Nixon.

Does anyone recall Hillary Clinton’s position on the phony Drug War? Did she have one?


Disclosure that a new TRILLION-DOLLAR jet fighter didn’t work, and was probably a waste of money, caused nary a ripple.  Does anyone recall Clinton addressing it? (I didn’t think so.)



Nor did talk about the cover-up of Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attack ever make it into Hillary Clinton’s issue-free campaign.



The conclusion is inescapable. She deserved to lose.  But of course we’re the real losers.  Scott Fitzgerald’s judgment on rich socialites Tom and Daisy Buchanan comes to mind. quote-they-were-careless-people-tom-and-daisy-they-smashed-up-things-and-creatures-and-then-retreated-f-scott-fitzgerald-305891“They were careless people, Bill and Hillary – they smashed things up and then retreated back into their money  and their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

We’ll be cleaning up this mess for a very long time.

24 responses to “Media, Democratic Party Elite Responsible for Hillary Debacle”

  1. Mr Hopsicker. Are you telling me , after all your investigations over the years into ATTA and 911 – the enormous evidence catchment and information flows your investigations concerning 911 must have accessed; THAT you have heard nothing amounting to anything worth investigating further the participation of, or presence of, agents or high operatives of Israel in the planning of, or ownership of properties, or facilitation and cover up of this most egregious terror attack ?? That you have heard of NO connection or link that alerts you to the possibility agents or agencies of Israel might have been involved ? Is that what you say ?

  2. “Push comes to shove, I’m a Zionist myself, at least partly because I don’t believe they had anything at all to do with the 9/11 attack.”

    Mr Hopsicker – would you care to explain the 5 dancing Israeli’s?