British Prime Minister Boris Johnson just promised to let three million people from Hong Kong eager to escape Chinese hegemony the chance to live in Great Britain.
That’s when I had an idea! Mr. Trump and Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan have long been close, right? The Turkish strongman, for example, just signaled that his country is “on the same side” as the US against “Antifa.”
So.. Why not confer Turkish citizenship on Trump partisans before the election in November? It would minimize the danger of civil discord, and give Trump Republicans that “feeling of belonging” they crave to a (quasi-Fascist) movement larger than themselves!
It’s a win-win! Turkey boasts a Mediterranean climate… ideal for transplants from the Sunbelt! Plus it’s a U.S. NATO partner! And it has a political atmosphere—religious, nationalist, and authoritarian—which is comfortable pimping out religious symbols for personal and political gain.
Another plus: Ethnic cleansing need not be the impossible dream! Look anywhere in Turkey: NO ARMENIANS!
Talk it over with friends in solid red states. Wouldn’t they feel more comfortable with a strongman in charge that doesn’t have to pretend?
4 responses to “A MODEST PROPOSAL”
The first paragraph was a good start.
All downhill from there mate. For cryin’ out loud.
The only segment of this write up that has any merit is the first paragraph. The rest is tabloid garbage. Shake my head in disbelief.
I have noooooooooo idea what leads me to this conclusion what-so-ever. You cough “slightly” dislike Trump. Daniel H how can you call this a “well written article” For it to be that, you would have had to examine excesses in Russia, China, Hong Kong. Past or present. Have some original ideas. Do this shocking thing called research. (I know, unbelievable I expect this of you, right…………..)
I was talking to some people the other day how School Cert was a dampener in the education sector. Maybe this is an awfully painful example.
Look, I have some respect for you on one count. People in this time form facts based on “truthful articles” in the NZ context from Stuff, 1News, Newshub. But seriously, please don’t insult our intellect with this nonsense. If I just took this at face value. There were no excesses by past President JFK, Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George W Bush, or Obummer.
For cryin’ out loud mate. This seriously don’t cut it. Not even close.
The only segment of this write up that has any merit is the first paragraph. The rest is tabloid garbage. Shake my head in disbelief.
I have noooooooooo idea what leads me to this conclusion what-so-ever. You cough “slightly” dislike Trump. Daniel H how can you call this a “well written article” For it to be that, you would have had to examine excesses in Russia, China, Hong Kong. Past or present. Have some original ideas. Do this shocking thing called research. (I know, unbelievable I expect this of you, right…………..)
Look, I have some respect for you on one count. People in this time form facts based on “truthful articles” in the NZ context from Stuff, 1News, Newshub. But seriously, please don’t insult our intellect with this nonsense. If I just took this at face value. There were no excesses by past President JFK, Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George W Bush, or Obummer.
For cryin’ out loud mate. This seriously don’t cut it. Not even close.
Yeah, that slow execution hit a reward nerve. Thanks for those millennialseeking for letting their consciences be their guide. We should remember, none of this would have possible without ole pall Covid 19…. Schools closed, bars closed, restaurants closed Almost EVERYTHING CLOSED!!! It’s a general disengagement that brought the crowds. No penalty. It will be a long time before gove98rnment let’s this happen again, if ever. Make the police contract workers or unemployed. Any broken heads over nonsense, your fired. Any damages from bad acts comes our of their retirement, 401 or home equity.. Maybe there won’t get lines around the block to apply, But there will be accountibility. Way less head smashing cowboys!! Way more peace officers. Let all the killers go in the military.