One week ago, I watched fascism attempt to rear its ugly head, and I will never forget it.
Tonight I am proud of this generation of Americans, who answered the call of destiny with determination and grit (grit! from millenials!) when that awful video of police homicide hit the airwaves two weeks ago.
Because of you, we are winning this fight, something my okay boomer generation couldn’t accomplish, despite putting hundreds of thousands of people in harm’s way—repeatedly!—on American streets, over a period of more than ten years.
Remember who the small ‘d’ democrats are. If the Internet in the U.S. was as tightly controlled and censored as the one in China, none of this would have happened.
And, credit where credit is due, kudos to several generations of Americans (and others) in Silicon Valley—a place it’s become fashionable to hate—who made this democratization of media possible. The ubiquity of cell phone-cams didn’t happen by itself. Thank you engineers, and venture capitalists. Thank you Google and APPLE…
And thank you America, a place where, every once in a while, they still roll the dice.
Kudos and honorable mentions to those who stood up and said this is wrong & needs to be changed. Same goes for Daniel for all his brave hard work trying to understand & identify the source and names of those who manipulate events, news & coverage to divide and control us. When will we ever learn, when will we ever learn.