So he used the Maronite invitation to invade Lebanon and bring the PLO to heel, before turning against the Maronites and reconciling with the Palestinians when Egypt began talks with Israel. President Hafez Assad sought to avoid Lebanon’s becoming a PLO base, Rules of 9 Ball Billiards which might have forced Syria into a confrontation with Israel. Hariri has been under no undue pressure to terminate Lebanon’s relationship with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, despite Nasrallah’s charge that it is “an Israeli project,” and that is because he knows that Syria will not allow Hizbullah to change the rules of the game in Beirut. Nor for that matter is Assad likely to oppose a war in southern Lebanon if Hizbullah is required by Iran to retaliate against an Israeli or American attack against the Islamic Republic. The Syrians are of two minds on the matter. I run two balls and then send the 3 ball up table and freeze the cue ball to the back of the 9 ball. But if Hariri is using the Syrian ball against Hizbullah, what advantage do the Syrians have in using Hariri against Hizbullah? Hizbullah, in turn, hoped to use its denunciation of the special tribunal to weaken Hariri.
They know that an accusation against Hizbullah may eventually hit them, a fact of which they were reminded by Walid Jumblatt, himself a corsair plying the uneasy seas between Syria, Hariri and Hizbullah. Hizbullah can be reassured by the fact that Syria wants the party to bend to Syrian priorities, but it has no desire to see Hizbullah decisively damaged. For Syria to play a regional balancing role, it needs to continue maneuvering between the Arab world and Iran – in other words it cannot afford to see Iran marginalized. 1. CONTINUING PLAY. On the shot immediately following a legal break, the shooter may play a “push out.” (See Rule 5.). If the breaker pockets one or more balls on a legal break, he continues to shoot until he misses, fouls, or wins the game. 1. FOULS. When a player commits a foul, he must relinquish his run at the table and no balls pocketed on the foul shot are respotted (exception: if a pocketed ball is the 9-ball, it is respotted). 9 Ball Players like their game “just a little cheesey”. The game is the most frequently played discipline of pool, and is often thought of as synonymous with “pool”.
Ronato Alcano. In-context commentary by pool pros Danny DiLiberto and Jerry Forsyth. Artistic pool is the competitive discipline of trick shots inspired by its carom equivalent. A player’s inning begins when it is legal for him to take a shot and ends at the end of a shot on which he misses, fouls or wins, or when he fouls between shots. When a foul is committed, the opposing player is awarded ball in hand, allowing them to place the cue ball anywhere on the table for their next shot. A rack (sometimes called a triangle) is a piece of equipment that is used to place billiard balls in their starting positions at the beginning of a pocket billiards game. The second and more influential game was pyramid pool. The most commonly played pool game is eight-ball, which appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the 19th century and up through the mid-1950s, a common way for championship titles to change hands was by a challenge match. Saad Hariri has sought to challenge that rule, most recently by pursuing the institutionalization of the Future Movement, which may emerge as a Sunni “big tent.” Yet this is not a move that Syria will accept lightly.
For Prime Minister Saad Hariri, the alignment with Syria has brought dividends. Their Lebanese spokesmen are calling on the prime minister to turn against the tribunal, while Assad appears not to have made such a request. Eight-Ball is a call shot game played with a cue ball and 15 object balls, numbered 1 through 15. One player/team must pocket balls of the group numbered 1 through 7 (solid colors), while the other player has 9 through 15 (stripes). The cue ball colors are white and yellow while the red ball is always an object ball. Losing hazard (in-off in snooker terms) – striking one’s cue ball so that it hits another ball and then enters a pocket: 3 points if the red ball was hit first; 2 points if the other cue ball was hit first; 2 points if the red and the other cue ball are hit simultaneously. And one can use a cue for many things, not least striking the Lebanese at the knees, an old Syrian specialty. The variant arose in the mid-1980s and 1990s as eight-ball gained popularity in China, where snooker was the most popular cue sport at the time. As well as thinking in terms of attack and scoring points, it is essential for anyone who wants to win a game of billiards to think defensively at the same time and make things as difficult as they can for their opponent.