Trump, Khashoggi, & Germany’s Criminal Deutsche Bank
It is public knowledge that two well-known customers of Deutsche Bank have deals considered sensitive to scrutiny. One is Donald Trump. The other is—or was— Adnan Khashoggi. The death of Saudi arms dealer and CIA fixer Adnan Khashoggi in London two weeks ago reminds the world again about Adnan Khashoggi’s rich history with fellow Palm…
Russian in hacking probe linked to alt-right stock fraud
Pavel ‘Red Eye’ Vrublevsky, a Russian businessman under investigation in the FBI’s probe of Russian hacking in the 2016 Presidential election, shared a business address in John Gotti’s former stronghold of Howard Beach, Queens with a company led by a Tampa Mobster convicted in the “alt-right” stock fraud ring run by Sarasota’s own Andrew Badolato, business partner and Breitbart collaborator…
‘Alt-right’ Trump operative running stock fraud ‘hyena pack’
How can Donald Trump “drain the swamp” in Washington when some of its slimiest denizens work for his own campaign?
Donald Trump, Banana Republican
“The U.S. officially became the world’s largest banana republic last night during the debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. As viewers watched in disbelief, Trump threatened the former secretary of state, telling her that in a Trump Administration, she’d be going to jail.”
Donald Trump, Dirty Money, & the Filthy Rich in Palm Beach
Is he really doing it without dirty money? When asked to describe what they like most about Donald Trump, supporters usually say “He’s been doing it all without dirty money.” They mean his campaign is self-funded, and takes no money from lobbyists, special interests, and Republican Party kingmakers. But what if Trump’s own money is…
Donald Trump and The Palm Beach Homies
Donald Trump’s history with the Mob—beginning with early business partners in Atlantic City who were ‘dese dem & dose’ guys with crooked noses who knew where Jimmy Hoffa was really buried —is a virtual travelogue through 30 years of ever-more sophisticated organized crime.
Trump Mansion Sold to “Mobsters Sans Frontières”
The Russian “businessman” to whom Donald Trump sold his Palm Beach mansion for a purported $100 million was arrested in Russia in April of 1997 and charged with masterminding the killing of a business rival, in what law enforcement authorities called “a contract hit.” The MadCowMorningNews has uncovered an April 13, 1997 report in the…