The Senator, the Billionaire Pedophile, & the Fugitive Oligarch
The Senator is ‘George Mitchell.’ The billionaire pedophile is ‘Jeffrey Epstein.’ The fugitive oligarch is “Viktor Kozeny.” But first, a word about an Able Seaman… He hasn’t been heard from in over two months. IVAN Durasevic, 29, a seaman on the container ship MSC Gayane, which was seized carrying almost 20 tons of cocaine…
Gangster Planet 1: The Return of ‘Red Eye’
‘Alt-right’ Trump operative running stock fraud ‘hyena pack’
How can Donald Trump “drain the swamp” in Washington when some of its slimiest denizens work for his own campaign?
Stock Fraud, Drug Trafficking, & the ‘Alt-Right’
When Donald Trump’s campaign manager Steve Bannon was recently exposed for using a vacant house in Miami as his legal residence, he hastily changed his legal address to a beach house in Sarasota, Florida owned by a writer at his Breitbart.com website. His hurried move— made more urgent by Trump’s adoption of ‘voter fraud’ as one of his signature issues— has…
“Jaws” ain’t over till the Sheriff meets the Shark
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was finally “persuaded” not to step onto the podium in Philadelphia of the Democratic Convention that was meeting to ratify the election outcome that she helped engineer. If this were a Hollywood movie, producers would be waving scripts in the air while screaming, “Where’s the third act? They took out the third act!” “Jaws”…
Why were Saudis “bulletproof” even AFTER the 9/11 Attack?
The first hugely shocking revelation in the 28-page secret chapter of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee Inquiry into the 9/11 attack occurs less than half-way down the very first page, and raises the chief question arising out of the release. The story of the 9/11 attack is a story of Saudis in Florida. But the until-now…
The father of the man who slaughtered 50 people in the Orlando nightclub shooting Saturday night is a longtime CIA asset, whose TV show receives funding from the Voice of America -Dari. Pictured below is Seddique Mateen with California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher
WE GET LETTERS “But isn’t all of this Outside job stuff just going to benefit the Neo Cons? GlobalCorp?” someone emailed. “Did the Saudis put the (alleged) Hijackers in Rudy’s flight school? Give them Govt Credit cards? Schedule identical Drills the morning of 911? Tell Cheney to run the stand down? Operate the cover up?…