Category: News



    A new movie coming out is supposed to be the true story of Barry Seal. It isn’t.

  • Saudis bribed their way into the heart of U.S. Government

    Saudis bribed their way into the heart of U.S. Government

    Leading up to today’s release of the redacted 28 pages from the Intelligence Committee Report on the 9/11 Attack, national security officials have beat out a steady drumbeat proclaiming  “conspiracy theorists” would be  sorely disappointed by the “inconclusive evidence” long-rumored to implicate Saudi Arabian government officials in the 9/11 attack. Nothing, as it happens, could be further from…

  • The Three Amigos, a total dreamboat, and an elephant

    The Three Amigos, a total dreamboat, and an elephant

    The Three Amigos met in Ottawa Wednesday, and no one knows why.


    There is something rotten in the state of California.  But there’ll be plenty of time to rant about that. Let’s do the math NOW.  At 5 pm Friday: 

  • Election company in NY primary has ‘arm-long’ rap sheet

    Election company in NY primary has ‘arm-long’ rap sheet

      More than 600,000 of the 1.8 million votes in last week’s New York Democratic primary were cast and counted on voting machines belonging to an “election services” company with a long criminal history and a rap sheet an arm long. Today it’s called Dominion Voting Systems. In last week’s primary in New York, Dominion…

  • The Rigged Democratic Primary in New York

    None of what follows—were it known—would likely play well with New York’s liberal Democratic electorate, whether pro-Clinton or pro-Sanders. Forget the long lines. The late openings. The snafus. Forget the 125,000 voters disenfranchised in Brooklyn, where the Democratic Party lost 16 per cent of its base in one fell swoop, yet seemed strangely unconcerned. After…

  • Ferrie, Oswald, Seal: ‘Committing Journalism’ in New Orleans

    Ferrie, Oswald, Seal: ‘Committing Journalism’ in New Orleans

    Leading up to this weekend’s Oswald Conference in New Orleans, over the next few days I will be publishing interviews and video of eyewitnesses who knew three men Americans were violently prevented from hearing. David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Barry Seal—each with intimate knowledge of the plot to kill JFK—met at a two-week Louisiana Civil Air patrol summer camp at…

  • War in Syria, Yogi Berra, & the two John Kerry’s

    Why is the debate over air strikes on Syria like America’s decades-long Drug War? Because, if you’re one of those Americans unlucky enough to have left your security clearance in your other pair of pants, questions about either receive essentially the same answer: “You’re not cleared for that information.” An informed citizenry is the basis…

  • Colombian Drug Lord Vanishes After Conviction… in the US!

    A major Colombian drug trafficker who willingly sought extradition to the United States—even offering a $40 million bribe to officials in Brazil to send him to the US—apparently knew what he was doing. After being extradited and convicted in Federal Court in New York of felony drug charges that could have put him in jail…