Category: News

  • Hammer to the Slammer

    The investigation into the 4-year old murder of Sun Cruz Casino boat founder Konstantinos ‘Gus’ Boulis in Fort Lauderdale has begun to reveal hidden connections between Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s gargantuan fund-raising machine, essential to victory in the past two Presidential elections, and a cast of underworld characters not previously thought of as exemplifying what…

  • Was Pentagon Tracking Atta Days Before 9.11 Attack?

    Mohamed Atta may have been under U.S. military surveillance until just days before the 9.11 attack, long after the Tampa-based Able Danger military intelligence operation currently under scrutiny was disbanded, in early 2001. On August 6, 2001, the same day Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi returned to Venice after renting a car at Warrick's RentaCar in…

  • Mohamed Atta’s DAD in U.S, Two Weeks Before 9.11

    In the second major blow in as many weeks to the credibility of the 9.11 Commission report, the MadCowMorningNews has learned exclusively that during final preparations for the Sept 11 attack,  Mohamed Atta’s father was 'visiting' his terrorist ringleader son in Venice, Florida. Moreover, the FBI knew about the U.S. visit of Cairo attorney Mohammed…


    Mohamed Atta was protected from official scrutiny as part of an officially-protected cocaine and heroin trafficking network with ties to top political figures, including Republican officials Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris, and it was this fact—and not the  “terrible lapses” of “weak on terror” Clinton Administration officials cited by Republican Congressman Curt Weldon—which shielded him…


    The newspaper  in Florida covering the town where Mohamed Atta’s cadre of terrorist hijackers cavorted unmolested before the 9.11 attack made an effort recently to hitch a ride aboard the cluetrain and investigate something about the story which played out before them almost unnoticed. But if you weren’t aware of the Sarasota Herald Tribune’s singularly…


    An eyewitness to pre-9.11 intrigue in San Diego involving the infiltration of as many as 200 still-unknown Middle Eastern men into the U.S. received a death threat in the middle of the night of June 3rd from  an Iranian exile, former SAVAK agent, arms dealer for the Shah of Iran and convicted felon. Joe Cicchese,…

  • The Secret World of Jack Abramoff

    The MadCowMorningNews has learned exclusive new details about the gangland-style hit in Florida of Gus Boulis, whose murder figures prominently in lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s rise to power.   The 'secret world' of Jack Abramoff being probed by investigators today has definite connections and unmistakable links to the one inhabited during their final year in the…

  • Bookstore goes where others dare to tread

    May 24, 2005 (VENICE, FL) – A book alleging an FBI-led cover-up in Florida to conceal the truth about Mohamed Atta and his terrorist cadre while they were living in this country is a runaway bestseller at an independent bookstore in tiny Venice, Fl., home to three of the four terrorist pilots in the attack,…

  • 9.11 Shuck & Jive at Shuckum’s

    Mohamed Atta didn’t drink, do cocaine, or hang out in strip clubs, and the official FBI account of the terrorist conspiracy to take down the World Trade Center is pretty much right on the money, according to a new book, "Perfect Soldiers: TheHijackers, Who They Were, Why They Did It," by Terry McDermott, a reporter…