Category: The Boys

  • Frank Sinatra, Pablo Escobar… and Meyer Lansky

    Frank Sinatra, Pablo Escobar… and Meyer Lansky

    “Two kilos of heroin for a little walking around money” A  ‘friend’ on Facebook found a link I posted there to a DailyMail story about Frank Sinatra’s purported ties to Pablo Escobar, (Frank Sinatra was ‘a better cocaine dealer than singer), based on interviews with dead Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar’s son where he claims singer Frank…

  • Ferrie, Oswald, Seal: ‘Committing Journalism’ in New Orleans

    Ferrie, Oswald, Seal: ‘Committing Journalism’ in New Orleans

    Leading up to this weekend’s Oswald Conference in New Orleans, over the next few days I will be publishing interviews and video of eyewitnesses who knew three men Americans were violently prevented from hearing. David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Barry Seal—each with intimate knowledge of the plot to kill JFK—met at a two-week Louisiana Civil Air patrol summer camp at…

  • David Ferrie, Lee Oswald, & Barry Seal: Patsies or Principals?

    David Ferrie, Lee Oswald, & Barry Seal: Patsies or Principals?

    Leading up to this weekend’s Oswald’s Summer of Secrets Conference in New Orleans Oct 16-19, I will be publishing video with eyewitnesses  who knew three men Americans were violently prevented from hearing.    

  • The “Zapruder Film” of the “War on Drugs”

    The “Zapruder Film” of the “War on Drugs”

    Most people have already heard something about the assassination of Barry Seal, gunned down in cold blood in Baton Rouge Louisiana in 1986, supposedly for ratting out the head of the Medellin Cartel, Pablo Escobar.   But that’s not what happened. And it’s one place where the big lies of the war on drugs lie exposed…

  • Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

    Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

      Former top CIA official Graham Fuller lied in a press interview about his former son-in-law, Ruslan Tsarni, the uncle of “The Brothers Tsarnaev,” Tamerlan, now dead, and Dzhokhar, soon to go on trial in Boston for allegedly planting a homemade pressure-cooker bomb packed with shrapnel near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 

  • The CIA Double-Dip: Drugs, Fraud, & the JFK Assassination

    The CIA Double-Dip: Drugs, Fraud, & the JFK Assassination

    A six-year long investigation into the drug trafficking operation in St Petersburg Florida that was exposed when two planes were busted in the Yucatan carrying a total of 10 tons of cocaine revealed the planes had all been “parked,” or “sheep-dipped,” in the names of straw owners to conceal the CIA’s involvement. The composition of…

  • The Enterprise & Southern-style organized crime

    The man who facilitated the purchase of several DC-9’s for SkyWay Aircraft in St. Petersburg Florida was the company’s  largest shareholder, Doug McClain Sr.’s Argyll Equities.  So how did he get such an important job in such a thriving Enterprise? During the 90’s, Doug McClain Sr. belonged to an organized crime ring run by Robert…

  • Barry Seal, the Dallas get-away plane, and the JFK assassination

    Barry Seal, the Dallas get-away plane, and the JFK assassination

    It’s July 1, 1972. The TV series Bewitched is airing its final episode, Attorney General John N. Mitchell is resigning as chairman of President Nixon’s re-election  committee, and Sammy Davis JR’s aptly-titled single “Candy Man” is moving smartly up the charts. (This is the second of two parts. Read the first part here.)

  • Barry Seal, the CIA camp in Lacombe, & the JFK Assassination

    Barry Seal, the CIA camp in Lacombe, & the JFK Assassination

    It was in the sun-drenched Albuquerque study of one of America’s most prominent historians—a Guggenheim Fellow and a National Book Award winner—that I first heard what I later came to think of as “The Question.”