Mexico billionaire’s “caravan of cocaine”
A new scandal over a politically well-connected Mexican oligarch's possible involvement in drug trafficking is erupting in Mexico. Controversy is raging over the refusal of Mexico’s Attorney General to investigate connections between 18 Mexicans busted for carrying $9.2 million in drug money several weeks ago in Nicaragua, and Latin America’s largest TV network, Televisa, and…
Mexico’s new President owes election to “Narco-Televisa”
In the Drug War, where producing confusion is as important as churning out ‘product,’ there are more versions of the truth than in the Japanese film classic Rashomon. Even so, the shocking new scandal breaking in Nicaragua makes it clear that the most accurate way to describe Mexico’s new President-elect is as “Senor Narco-Presidente.”
“Hatto’s” List
Trolls are everywhere this election season. But one, under a link I posted recently on Facebook, under the heading "WikiLeaks stands under threat,” can teach us something about how things came to the current un-pretty pass.
And so are you, if you believe in democracy. Because there can be no democracy without an informed citizenry, and if there is one thing all sides of the Julian Assange-Wikileaks issue can agree on, it is that through Wikileaks and Assange we have learned details—vital details—about the world we live in that we would…
The Real American Desperadoes Video
One of the greatest escapes since the Great Houdini was locked in handcuffs and leg-irons, nailed inside a crate, and lowered to the bottom of New York’s East River reached its conclusion two weeks ago, when a drug pilot who has escaped from custody in three different countries and eluded an international manhunt was arrested…
Mexican Drug Cartels & ‘The Enterprise’ at Venice Airport
“Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.” George Santayana. It is 11 a.m. on the morning of June 30, 1997. On the steps of the Sarasota County Courthouse a public auction is underway. Being auctioned off is the lease of a bankrupt company at the Venice Municipal Airport. Before it went under, 4Square Aviation…
A DC9 is busted at an airport in the state of Campeche, Mexico carrying an incredible 5.5 tons of cocaine… One of its two listed owners, Brent Kovar of SkyWay Aircraft, boasted in a press release that he’d been appointed to the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee by Congressional Majority Leader…