Best introduction to origins of ‘Gangster Planet.’
Unfortunately, our national press was not.
A two-year investigation into the fate of two American-registered airplanes busted in Mexico carrying a cumulative total of ten tons of cocaine. What happened to Who owned the planes? What happened to them? A deeper inspection of the real American ‘deep state’ its connection with transnational organized crime.
“Mohamed Atta & the Venice Flying Circus” Three of the four terrorist pilots learned to fly in tiny Venice, Florida, a sleepy retirement community with the second oldest population of any city in the entire United States… They attended flight schools owned by two Dutch nationals, one of whom has Mob ties.
“The Big Fix 2000” Who own America’s elections?
Did Mobsters decide the fate of the election in Florida, in a contest that had nothing to do with counting hanging chad? While the nation’s eyes were riveted on punch cards being held up to the light, charges a new documentary, Mob-controlled companies that count America’s vote were slipping through the back door and stealing the election.
“In Search of the American Drug Lords – The CIA and The Mob”
A three year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smuggler’s in America’s history, Barry Seal. 50 min
“Secret Heartbeat of America – The CIA and Drugs” In August 1987, two Arkansas high school seniors were brutally murdered, their bodies dismembered by a speeding train. Evidence leads to a massive CIA drug and weapons smuggling operation, and raises stunning questions about CIA involvement.
“Masters of the Universe – The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve” Was there a takeover of the US by international bankers? Visit the scene of a crime so perfect that, for thirty years, no one knew it had even taken place.The true, behind the scenes, story of the birth of the US Federal Reserve. 50.min.