Tag: American Drug Lords

  • “In a New York minute, everything can change”

    “In a New York minute, everything can change”

    I got an email yesterday, from an Amazon customer who hasn’t yet received his copy of “Barry ‘the boys,’” my book about the biggest drug smuggler in American history, and it has prompted me to do something I’ve been reluctant to do: Announce my coming—but  not quite yet imminent—demise. My reply to the customer whose…

  • The JFK assassination and ‘Barry & ‘the boys’

    The JFK assassination and ‘Barry & ‘the boys’

    Two hours before John Kennedy was assassinated on Friday November 22 1963  at 12:30 p.m. Central Time,  the stripper headlining Jack Ruby’s Carousel nightclub in Dallas was in a panic to get out of  town.   The National Archives and Records Administration today began releasing government documents never been disclosed on the Kennedy assassination, under a law passed in 1992 after…

  • A True Story about Barry Seal & the CIA

    A True Story about Barry Seal & the CIA

      Speaking of the new movie “American Made” about Barry Seal and the CIA and drug trafficking… and we WERE, weren’t we? I mean, with all the MONEY rolling in– day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade– why would anyone ever talk about anything ELSE?

  • The Mystery in Medellin: Why was ‘American Made’ there?

    The Mystery in Medellin: Why was ‘American Made’ there?

    This is a story about a plane crash. Start here: Everybody in-country was tired, or sweaty, or both. “Swelter” is a word that acquires new meaning in a South American jungle. It was the last day of filming. Tom Cruise has been in-country for 20 sweaty days in a row. Everyone was anxious to get…

  • Zacarias Moussaoui and The Ghosts of 9/11

    Zacarias Moussaoui and The Ghosts of 9/11

    More than 14  years and five months after an attack which took more than 2800 lives in ways so horrible that the U.S. Government and the nation’s television networks seamlessly colluded—in real time—to prevent the American people from seeing what really was happening, last month some were finally hailing a “break” in the case.  In…

  • Con man for Christ Floated ‘Cocaine One’ Drug Plane

    Con man for Christ Floated ‘Cocaine One’ Drug Plane

    Doug McClain Sr’s financial fraud career as a grifter, racketeer, and flimflam man can be  traced back more than two decades, and likely extends much further into his past. The so-far unanswered question about him has been where he first acquired powerful patrons whose clout could—and did—keep him out of jail despite his record for flagrant…

  • Feds raid CIA-connected air charter in Fort Lauderdale

    Feds raid CIA-connected air charter in Fort Lauderdale

    An affidavit filed by a DEA Agent in Colorado sheds new light on the mystery surrounding two American-registered drug planes from St. Petersburg  busted with a total of ten tons of cocaine. The Gulfstream II jet which crashed in Mexico belonged to something called Operation Mayan Jaguar, an unexplained Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation in…

  • Six years on: The mysterious crash of Cocaine2

    Six years on: The mysterious crash of Cocaine2

    Six years ago this week an American-registered luxury jet, a Gulfstream II—later dubbed “Cocaine 2”—crashed just before dawn in the middle of the jungle in Mexico’s Yucatan carrying four tons of cocaine. The event, and its aftermath, changed forever an official narrative of the war on drugs which has for years been pushing the notion…

  • Report: Launch of CIA ‘cocaine coup’ turned on Romney win

    For more than a year the CIA has been trafficking 300 kilos of cocaine a month from Ecuador to Chile for export on to Europe, according to recent credible media reports from Santiago, the Chilean capital. Proceeds from the 300 kilo-a-month business have been used to create a war-chest to finance a Cocaine Coup in…