Tag: bribe

  • The Rigged Democratic Primary in New York

    None of what follows—were it known—would likely play well with New York’s liberal Democratic electorate, whether pro-Clinton or pro-Sanders. Forget the long lines. The late openings. The snafus. Forget the 125,000 voters disenfranchised in Brooklyn, where the Democratic Party lost 16 per cent of its base in one fell swoop, yet seemed strangely unconcerned. After…

  • Former Mexican Governor Pleads Guilty

    Madrid ran Cancun & the state of Quintano Roo from 1993-99 for the Juarez Cartel,  with money laundered through Lehman Bros. Who's running the state–and the money laundering–today?? A former Mexican state governor pleaded guilty in a federal court in Manhattan on Thursday to conspiring to launder millions of dollars in narcotics bribe payments that…