Tag: Daniel Hopsicker

  • Daniel Hopsicker from 1998

    Daniel Hopsicker from 1998

    By LINDA MINOR Many of Daniel’s readers have asked when Gangster Planet will be released. The answer is “as soon as possible.” Daniel and I started working on the book maybe a year, possibly less, before lockdown. Before that we’d met face-to-face only twice. We had a lot of mutual friends and had communicated through…

  • “In a New York minute, everything can change”

    “In a New York minute, everything can change”

    I got an email yesterday, from an Amazon customer who hasn’t yet received his copy of “Barry ‘the boys,’” my book about the biggest drug smuggler in American history, and it has prompted me to do something I’ve been reluctant to do: Announce my coming—but  not quite yet imminent—demise. My reply to the customer whose…

  • The Mystery in Medellin: Why was ‘American Made’ there?

    The Mystery in Medellin: Why was ‘American Made’ there?

    This is a story about a plane crash. Start here: Everybody in-country was tired, or sweaty, or both. “Swelter” is a word that acquires new meaning in a South American jungle. It was the last day of filming. Tom Cruise has been in-country for 20 sweaty days in a row. Everyone was anxious to get…

  • Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

    Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

      Former top CIA official Graham Fuller lied in a press interview about his former son-in-law, Ruslan Tsarni, the uncle of “The Brothers Tsarnaev,” Tamerlan, now dead, and Dzhokhar, soon to go on trial in Boston for allegedly planting a homemade pressure-cooker bomb packed with shrapnel near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 

  • Busted Again! Another American "Mystery Plane"

    Busted Again! Another American "Mystery Plane"

    At the heart of the story of Australia’s current experience with the latest American-registered drug plane busted overseas is that this is not just another American “mystery plane.” It’s a “stealth” mystery plane.

  • Tampa ‘Black Ice” drug operation tied to organized crime

    Tampa ‘Black Ice” drug operation tied to organized crime

    Doug McClain learned the ins and outs of financial fraud while working for Robert Colgin Wilson, who—far more than “The Wolf of Wall Street”—exemplified the role of American organized crime in financial fraud during the last quarter of the 20th Century. Wilson was no fly by night. His roots ran deep. When he was convicted…

  • The Enterprise & Southern-style organized crime

    The man who facilitated the purchase of several DC-9’s for SkyWay Aircraft in St. Petersburg Florida was the company’s  largest shareholder, Doug McClain Sr.’s Argyll Equities.  So how did he get such an important job in such a thriving Enterprise? During the 90’s, Doug McClain Sr. belonged to an organized crime ring run by Robert…

  • Con man for Christ Floated ‘Cocaine One’ Drug Plane

    Con man for Christ Floated ‘Cocaine One’ Drug Plane

    Doug McClain Sr’s financial fraud career as a grifter, racketeer, and flimflam man can be  traced back more than two decades, and likely extends much further into his past. The so-far unanswered question about him has been where he first acquired powerful patrons whose clout could—and did—keep him out of jail despite his record for flagrant…

  • Feds raid CIA-connected air charter in Fort Lauderdale

    Feds raid CIA-connected air charter in Fort Lauderdale

    An affidavit filed by a DEA Agent in Colorado sheds new light on the mystery surrounding two American-registered drug planes from St. Petersburg  busted with a total of ten tons of cocaine. The Gulfstream II jet which crashed in Mexico belonged to something called Operation Mayan Jaguar, an unexplained Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation in…