Tag: drug money


  • Cartel behind 20-ton drug move in Philadelphia to skate on charges

    Cartel behind 20-ton drug move in Philadelphia to skate on charges

    A Russian-based transnational organized crime drug cartel is responsible for the 20 tons of cocaine seized in Philadelphia in June. But because the organization is Donald Trump’s biggest and most reliable backer in the 2020 Presidential election, there is virtually no likelihood any major figure in the group will ever face charges.   Today the…



    There are a million angles to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. It seems highly likely that at this very moment pedophile pedigrees are being constructed which connect Epstein to child sacrifice in ancient Carthage. But the only angle I’m interested in is the money. Sympathy to the women victimized. But I don’t need to know every…

  • Is Russian Mob drug money going to Trump re-election?

    Is Russian Mob drug money going to Trump re-election?

    It’s nearly two months since a container ship was busted at the port of Philadelphia loaded with so much cocaine that even PEOPLE magazine wrote about it. The MSC Gayane was carrying 19 tons of cocaine, and the highest ranking person arrested so far is still the ship’s Second Mate, whose credit is probably not…

  • Donald Trump, Dirty Money, & the Filthy Rich in Palm Beach

    Donald Trump, Dirty Money, & the Filthy Rich in Palm Beach

    Is he really doing it without dirty money? When asked to describe what they like most about Donald Trump, supporters usually say “He’s been doing it all without dirty money.”  They mean his campaign is self-funded, and takes no money from lobbyists, special interests, and Republican Party kingmakers. But what if Trump’s own money is…

  • Zacarias Moussaoui and The Ghosts of 9/11

    Zacarias Moussaoui and The Ghosts of 9/11

    More than 14  years and five months after an attack which took more than 2800 lives in ways so horrible that the U.S. Government and the nation’s television networks seamlessly colluded—in real time—to prevent the American people from seeing what really was happening, last month some were finally hailing a “break” in the case.  In…

  • Colombian Drug Lord Vanishes After Conviction… in the US!

    A major Colombian drug trafficker who willingly sought extradition to the United States—even offering a $40 million bribe to officials in Brazil to send him to the US—apparently knew what he was doing. After being extradited and convicted in Federal Court in New York of felony drug charges that could have put him in jail…

  • Report: Launch of CIA ‘cocaine coup’ turned on Romney win

    For more than a year the CIA has been trafficking 300 kilos of cocaine a month from Ecuador to Chile for export on to Europe, according to recent credible media reports from Santiago, the Chilean capital. Proceeds from the 300 kilo-a-month business have been used to create a war-chest to finance a Cocaine Coup in…

  • Mexico billionaire’s “caravan of cocaine”

    A new scandal over a politically well-connected Mexican oligarch's possible involvement in drug trafficking is erupting in Mexico. Controversy is raging over the refusal of Mexico’s Attorney General to investigate connections between 18 Mexicans busted for carrying $9.2 million in drug money several weeks ago in Nicaragua, and Latin America’s largest TV network, Televisa, and…