A Muckrakers Life, Interrupted
Last week, after almost four months of silence, I published a 2400-word initial account about what’s been learned about the man who became a daily fixture on cable and network news when his nephews were accused in the Boston attack. Ruslan Tsarni is also—and not coincidentally—an unacknowledged spook with ties to the CIA. On a…
Costa Rica’s President flew narco-jet to Hugo Chavez funeral
An American-registered drug plane has been plying the airspace over Central and South America carrying cargoes of cocaine for a good long while (authorities admit they’ve been “investigating” it since 2011) without apparent incident, until recently, when a newspaper in Costa Rica reported that the President of Costa Rica had been seen using it to…
Honduran jet fighter shot down DEA drug plane
A jet fighter from Honduras shot down a plane carrying cocaine last month over Guanaja, part of the Bay Islands chain in the Caribbean, killing a DEA agent onboard. According to El Herald newspaper in the capital city of Tegucigalpa, which broke the story, the shoot-down of the DEA-approved drug flight was behind the U.S.…