A Short History of Election Fraud
AN OPEN MEMO TO SEAN HANNITY It’s not like I’m not sympathetic to the notion that elections can be stolen. It’s just that the people talking about it are such fucking parvenus. All week on FOX Sean Hannity said he just wanted to see an honest election where every vote gets counted. Sounds reasonable. Except,…
Mexico’s new President owes election to “Narco-Televisa”
In the Drug War, where producing confusion is as important as churning out ‘product,’ there are more versions of the truth than in the Japanese film classic Rashomon. Even so, the shocking new scandal breaking in Nicaragua makes it clear that the most accurate way to describe Mexico’s new President-elect is as “Senor Narco-Presidente.”
Republican August Surprise terror attack at OWN Convention?
In the wake of the killing of 12 young people in a theater in Colorado and the tsunami of feverish internet postings afterwards—which leaned heavily towards either “Too bad there weren't more guns in the theater,” and “The Government did it”—one notion received widespread publicity that strikes a more sinister note. Bill Warner, a private…