Tag: Honduras

  • Donald Trump, Banana Republican

    Donald Trump, Banana Republican

    “The U.S. officially became the world’s largest banana republic last night during the debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. As viewers watched in disbelief, Trump threatened the former secretary of state, telling her that in a Trump Administration, she’d be going to jail.”

  • Tim Kaine’s Unlikely Biography

    Tim Kaine’s Unlikely Biography

    Tim Kaine isn’t shy about trading on his year in Honduras as a Catholic missionary. Accepting the V.P. nomination, he said, “My faith  is my North Star for orienting my life.” He had gone to a Jesuit high school, he explained, with the motto “men for others.” It led him to volunteer as a missionary…

  • Mitt Romney’s “Pinochet Moment”

    America's eyes are currently riveted on the twisted steel strewn around the site of the train wreck of plutocrat-turned politician Mitt Romney's campaign. But other news this week points up the fact that—while inept politicians representing the parasitic rich come and go—the one constant in our national civic life remains America's endless drug war. Like…

  • Honduran jet fighter shot down DEA drug plane

    A jet fighter from Honduras shot down a plane carrying cocaine last month over Guanaja, part of the Bay Islands chain in the Caribbean, killing a DEA agent onboard. According to El Herald newspaper in the capital city of Tegucigalpa, which broke the story, the shoot-down of the DEA-approved drug flight was behind the U.S.…