Tag: Mexican drug cartels

  • “In a New York minute, everything can change”

    “In a New York minute, everything can change”

    I got an email yesterday, from an Amazon customer who hasn’t yet received his copy of “Barry ‘the boys,’” my book about the biggest drug smuggler in American history, and it has prompted me to do something I’ve been reluctant to do: Announce my coming—but  not quite yet imminent—demise. My reply to the customer whose…

  • Carlos Slim, the NY Times, & the trial of El Chapo Guzman

    Carlos Slim, the NY Times, & the trial of El Chapo Guzman

    Former 17-year old beauty queens; diamond-encrusted pistols; cocaine in cans of hot peppers and gallons of cooking oil;  18-wheeler’s and ‘cocaine trains;’ drugged 13- year old girls at $5K a pop; a view of the Brooklyn Bridge through the windows of a cartel stash house. The trial in Brooklyn of El Chapo Guzman, a short…

  • The Lie at the Heart of the Trial of El Chapo Guzman

    The Lie at the Heart of the Trial of El Chapo Guzman

    The lie at the heart of the trial of El Chapo Guzman is one familiar to every American who understands what happened to this country during Prohibition: Men and women are human. They can be bought, bribed, threatened or cajoled. It is the basis of organized crime.     Getting the ‘go-ahead’ from Marta Fernando…

  • Tampa ‘Black Ice” drug operation tied to organized crime

    Tampa ‘Black Ice” drug operation tied to organized crime

    Doug McClain learned the ins and outs of financial fraud while working for Robert Colgin Wilson, who—far more than “The Wolf of Wall Street”—exemplified the role of American organized crime in financial fraud during the last quarter of the 20th Century. Wilson was no fly by night. His roots ran deep. When he was convicted…

  • The Enterprise & Southern-style organized crime

    The man who facilitated the purchase of several DC-9’s for SkyWay Aircraft in St. Petersburg Florida was the company’s  largest shareholder, Doug McClain Sr.’s Argyll Equities.  So how did he get such an important job in such a thriving Enterprise? During the 90’s, Doug McClain Sr. belonged to an organized crime ring run by Robert…

  • Christian cult leader worked Tampa “BLACK ICE” Operation

    Christian cult leader worked Tampa “BLACK ICE” Operation

    All the really successful con men are politically connected.  Some of them cut out the middle man and run for President.” Douglas Aaron McClain Sr., 62, whose Argyll Equities was a shady and now-bankrupt “investment bank” in Boerne Texas which provided services to at least three drug smuggling operations, including supplying a DC-9 to a very-possibly criminal…

  • Feds raid CIA-connected air charter in Fort Lauderdale

    Feds raid CIA-connected air charter in Fort Lauderdale

    An affidavit filed by a DEA Agent in Colorado sheds new light on the mystery surrounding two American-registered drug planes from St. Petersburg  busted with a total of ten tons of cocaine. The Gulfstream II jet which crashed in Mexico belonged to something called Operation Mayan Jaguar, an unexplained Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation in…

  • The NSA, Drug Trafficking, & the Crash of Cocaine2

    The NSA, Drug Trafficking, & the Crash of Cocaine2

    This will someday be remembered as the year when shocking new discoveries about the National Security Agency became an almost daily occurrence. But amid the steady drumbeat of revelations, the one I’ve been waiting for hasn’t yet surfaced: The NSA’s involvement in the global drug trade.

  • Six years on: The mysterious crash of Cocaine2

    Six years on: The mysterious crash of Cocaine2

    Six years ago this week an American-registered luxury jet, a Gulfstream II—later dubbed “Cocaine 2”—crashed just before dawn in the middle of the jungle in Mexico’s Yucatan carrying four tons of cocaine. The event, and its aftermath, changed forever an official narrative of the war on drugs which has for years been pushing the notion…