A Prime Minister, a Drug Pilot, an Oligarch, & RussiaGate
(WARNING: A long read…but worth it) RussiaGate is all about the Mob, says the current meme. Not ‘The’ Mob, or just one Mob, but a gamut of players— Russian, American, British, Israeli, Saudi—belonging to a global criminal network connecting the forces of transnational organized crime across nation-states, time-zones, and continents. ‘Transnational organized crime’ doesn’t have…
Oleg Deripaska is the Oliver North of Russiagate. He’s the one Russian oligarch whose name you need to know. Oleg The Oligarch. Vladimir Putin’s go-to guy. A brutal history, a mysterious past Where Putin is concerned, Deripaska will do anything to please. He’s a big-time player in Russiagate. And the millions he paid out to Paul…
EXCLUSIVE: ‘8th Man’ in mystery purchase of U.S. Mining Co.
It’s been widely reported that Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze, the “8th man” who attended the June 2016 meeting where Donald Trump Jr. was promised dirt on Hillary Clinton, had years earlier laundered $800 million through Citibank. What’s remained unknown until now is that Citibank ALSO loaned the exact same amount, $800 million, to Kaveladze’s Russian oligarch…
Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA?
The uncle of the two men who set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, who struck the only grace note in an otherwise horrific week, worked as a “consultant” for the Agency for International Development (USAID) a U.S. Government Agency often used for cover by agents of the CIA, in the former Soviet Republic of…