Tag: Palm Beach homies

  • The Jeffrey Epstein Social Network Mega Meta scandal

    The Jeffrey Epstein Social Network Mega Meta scandal

    The Jeffrey Epstein scandal is a ‘meta’ scandal that smaller scandals fit into like Russian dolls.  “Meta” means about the thing itself. “Meta news” is news about the news. It reveals the higher network workings of lesser scandals, like the “Container Ship Crime Wave!” scandal, which fits into it neatly. Names in Jeffrey Epstein’s little…

  • RussiaGate happened on a Gangster Planet

    RussiaGate happened on a Gangster Planet

    The night before the Mueller Report comes out seems an appropriate time to summarize discoveries made during a decidedly unofficial investigation into RussiaGate.   RussiaGate happened on a Gangster Planet… with all that entails. It’s not like they haven’t been hiding it in plain sight.  The transnational criminal network exposed by the scandal is deeply…

  • Paul Manafort’s Palm Beach Happy Ending

    Paul Manafort’s Palm Beach Happy Ending

    an excerpt from GangsterPlanet For many people, a “happy ending” is the satisfying conclusion to an upbeat book or movie.  For others, it’s what a masseuse gives a client in an erotic massage parlor.   In the Palm Beach metro area, according to the seemingly-authoritative website “Rugmaps,” there are 44 erotic massage parlors.  One of them,…

  • Russian in hacking probe linked to alt-right stock fraud

    Russian in hacking probe linked to alt-right stock fraud

    Pavel ‘Red Eye’ Vrublevsky, a Russian businessman under investigation in the FBI’s probe of Russian hacking in the 2016 Presidential election, shared a business address in John Gotti’s former stronghold of Howard Beach, Queens with a company led by a Tampa Mobster convicted in the “alt-right” stock fraud ring run by Sarasota’s own Andrew Badolato, business partner and Breitbart collaborator…