Media, Democratic Party Elite Responsible for Hillary Debacle
“They were careless people, Bill and Hillary – they smashed things up and retreated back into their money and their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess.” That the media and Democratic party elite made Hillary the Democratic nominee, despite a decided lack of…
Why were Saudis “bulletproof” even AFTER the 9/11 Attack?
The first hugely shocking revelation in the 28-page secret chapter of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee Inquiry into the 9/11 attack occurs less than half-way down the very first page, and raises the chief question arising out of the release. The story of the 9/11 attack is a story of Saudis in Florida. But the until-now…
WE GET LETTERS “But isn’t all of this Outside job stuff just going to benefit the Neo Cons? GlobalCorp?” someone emailed. “Did the Saudis put the (alleged) Hijackers in Rudy’s flight school? Give them Govt Credit cards? Schedule identical Drills the morning of 911? Tell Cheney to run the stand down? Operate the cover up?…
Sarasota, Florida: “The Meanest City in America”
As their son’s killer was sentenced to life in prison last week, the parents of two vacationing Brits murdered in Florida expressed anger over receiving no message of condolence from President Barack Obama, even though the President had recently expressed sympathy in the slaying of a 17-year old black teenager, also in Florida. The two…