Tag: Semion Mogilevich

  • RussiaGate happened on a Gangster Planet

    RussiaGate happened on a Gangster Planet

    The night before the Mueller Report comes out seems an appropriate time to summarize discoveries made during a decidedly unofficial investigation into RussiaGate.   RussiaGate happened on a Gangster Planet… with all that entails. It’s not like they haven’t been hiding it in plain sight.  The transnational criminal network exposed by the scandal is deeply…

  • A Prime Minister, a Drug Pilot, an Oligarch, & RussiaGate

    A Prime Minister, a Drug Pilot, an Oligarch, & RussiaGate

    (WARNING: A long read…but worth it) RussiaGate is all about the Mob, says the current meme. Not ‘The’ Mob, or just one Mob, but a gamut of players— Russian, American, British, Israeli, Saudi—belonging to a global criminal network connecting the forces of transnational organized crime across nation-states, time-zones, and continents.  ‘Transnational organized crime’ doesn’t have…