• Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

    Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

      Former top CIA official Graham Fuller lied in a press interview about his former son-in-law, Ruslan Tsarni, the uncle of “The Brothers Tsarnaev,” Tamerlan, now dead, and Dzhokhar, soon to go on trial in Boston for allegedly planting a homemade pressure-cooker bomb packed with shrapnel near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. 

  • Did the CIA commandeer the Boston bombing investigation?

    It’s been more than 300 years ago since demonic possession figured as heavily in a criminal probe as it has in the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing. Not since the Salem Witch Trials has the search for accomplices to a major crime centered so heavily on finding a suspect who believed he could talk…

  • Boston bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ was Halliburton contractor

    Out on the ragged bleeding edge of the former Soviet Union, Ruslan Tsarni had a decade-long business relationship with Halliburton, the multinational juggernaut run by Dick Cheney before  he became Vice President of the United States. Delving into the business connections of “Uncle Ruslan” Tsarni, as he became known after his well-received condemnation of the…

  • Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA?

    The uncle of the two men who set off bombs at the Boston Marathon, who struck the only grace note in an otherwise horrific week, worked as a “consultant” for the Agency for International Development (USAID) a U.S. Government Agency often used for cover by agents of the CIA, in the former Soviet Republic of…